Everyone is a star. Through SKY SPACE, we hope to connect the stars and twinkle together. SKY SPACE offers a platform for community members to communicate, and touch base of the most updated news, information and researches, so as to encourage a better wellbeing among the community. It is to create a free, informative, communicative and collaborating SKY SPACE to our community.
每個人都是天上的一顆星星。透過SKY SPACE,我們希望把每顆星星連繫起來,閃耀著整個星空。SKY SPACE為社群帶來了一個溝通的平台,也會定期分享新聞、資訊和最新研究,期望能幫助社群有更好的身心靈發展。SKY SPACE是免費而具資訊性,能與社群建立雙向的互動和溝通。